7 Fastest Ways to Make Money Blogging in 2022


Susan Kelly

Jan 12, 2024

There are many reasons to start a blog. Some people might want to create their own personal diaries. In contrast, others may wish to share valuable information with the world or just make space to voice their opinions and be heard by like-minded individuals.

Whatever your reason is for starting a blog, you should know that it will not generate any money if you don't attract an audience and keep them coming back for more. Whether writing about technology or fashion, blogging can become quite lucrative if done correctly. Here are the 10 best ways to make money blogging:

1. Displaying Ads

The most common way bloggers make money is through ads displayed on their websites. The problem with this method is that visitors often block the ads or disregard them completely, making the blogger miss out on potential profits. There are several ways to display ads while ensuring that your visitors are not annoyed by them.

One approach is to use affiliate links, which means you earn some money every time somebody follows one of these links and makes a purchase at the other end. This way, you know for sure that somebody actually clicked on your links and made a purchase. Hence, the advertising company pays you accordingly. However, some might not consider this method entirely ethical, especially if you're promoting something unrelated to what your blog is about.

Another option would be sponsorship posts, where you place an ad in the form of a text link or banner right next to more valuable content that offers genuine value to your readers.

2. Google Adsense

Google Adsense is one of the most reliable and safest ways to make money blogging. You place a small code on your website, and Google automatically displays relevant ads on corresponding pages. At the same time, you accumulate the revenue based on the number of impressions (the number of times an ad was displayed). This method is more appealing than others because Google determines which ads should be displayed according to its understanding of your content and what your blog is about. And since they're likely to display high-paying ads, you can significantly boost your earnings with little effort on your part.

3. Amazon Associates Program

Another excellent option for bloggers looking for an easy way to increase their earnings would be Amazon's Associate's program. All you need to participate is an account with Amazon. You can either create your own associate tag or use the one provided by the company, which will be your unique ID at their site. Then, whenever somebody clicks on any of the links within your content and makes a purchase at Amazon, they give you a small percentage (usually 4-6%) of that sale as commission for bringing them new business.

If you're particularly good at convincing people to buy this or that product, then affiliate marketing might just become your thing.

4. Sponsoring Posts

Many companies are looking for bloggers who are willing to write sponsored posts about their products in exchange for some compensation. If you have readers who enjoy reading about technology, fashion, travel, etc., then you just might be the right person to convince some companies to sponsor your posts. However, remember that sponsored posts should not look too obvious or feel unnatural. Readers are likely to pick up on that, so you need to write content that sounds genuine and does not sound like an ad at all.

5. Sell Products

You can also sell products you create yourself through your blog. If you're knowledgeable in a particular area, chances are good that people will want to purchase something from you rather than simply using free information found online. You can create digital products (ebooks, videos) or physical ones (clothing lines), but make sure they provide real value for your readers. One of the best ways is to write about the problem your product tries to solve so that readers can quickly grasp what makes it so great.

6. Sell Magazine Subscript

You can sell magazine subscriptions through your blog. While this option is relatively new, it's gaining quite a bit of momentum lately. To make it work, all you need to do is let readers know what publications you like (and why), then create links that take them directly to the subscriptions page for each magazine or newspaper. You can use PayPal to collect payments and earn commissions once someone subscribes.

7. Sell Your Own Domain Names

Another way to make money online involves selling your own domain names. Although inexpensive, purchasing domains is one of the best investments any new blogger can make because they immediately give websites a more professional look and feel. The business model works two different ways: either you buy expired domains with traffic, then redirect them to another page (like your blog) and earn pay-per-click (PPC) commissions as people visit it, or you can purchase brand new domains and make money off the registration fees. Check out the Namecheap affiliate program for more info if this sounds interesting!


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