Is RV Insurance Required in My State?


Triston Martin

Oct 01, 2023

Navigating the world of insurance laws can be confusing, particularly for those considering becoming an RV owner. With so many states having different requirements regarding RV insurance coverage, it's important to be aware of the regulations that apply in your area.

In this blog post, we look comprehensively at state-level policies about mandatory RV insurance and provide helpful tips on protecting yourself and getting the best coverage.

Read on to learn more about what you should know before opting in or out of RV insurance in your state.

Is RV insurance required in my state

The laws for recreational vehicle (RV) insurance requirements vary from state to state. Generally, RV insurance is not required in all states, but it is recommended that you have some form of coverage to protect yourself, your property, and other drivers on the road.

In most states, basic liability coverage is legally required if you plan on driving your RV on public roads. This type of coverage pays for any medical bills or property damage caused by an accident involving your recreational vehicle that you are found to be at fault for. The limits and specifics of this coverage vary from state to state, so it’s important to research what is required in your area before driving your RV.

In addition to basic liability coverage, states may require additional coverage, such as uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage or personal injury protection. Depending on your state’s laws, you may also need to purchase collision and comprehensive insurance to drive legally.

Knowing your state's specific RV insurance requirements is important before hitting the road. Failure to comply with these laws may result in fines, license suspensions, and other legal fees. Be sure to shop around for the best coverage that fits your needs and budget - it could save you a lot of money in the long run.

If you are still trying to determine what RV insurance is required in your state, speak to an experienced professional or contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for more information. They can answer any specific questions and help you determine the best coverage options for your needs.

Do I need RV insurance if I lease an RV

If you lease an RV, the terms of your lease agreement may require you to purchase insurance coverage. Before signing a lease, it's important to read the fine print and make sure you understand all the requirements for RV insurance coverage. Generally, most leases require the lessee to carry liability insurance and physical damage coverages for their RV.

Liability coverage can help protect you if you are responsible for an accident while driving the RV, and physical damage coverage can help pay for repairs to the RV in the event of a collision or other type of loss. Additionally, some leases may also require uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage as well as medical payments coverage.

No matter what your lease agreement requires, it's always a good idea to consider purchasing RV insurance. An experienced insurance agent can help you understand your coverage needs and find the right policy. Notably, if you are financing an RV purchase, your lender may also require that you carry a certain level of insurance before they release the vehicle title to you.

Do I need RV insurance if I own my RV outright

Yes, RV insurance is still recommended even if you own your RV outright. This is because of the potential for accidental damage, theft, or vandalism that can occur while you are on the road. RV insurance can cover medical expenses related to injuries sustained in an accident and replacement costs for personal belongings inside the vehicle. Additionally, many policies offer roadside assistance in case you are stranded on the side of the road.

What state’s laws apply if I plan to live in my RV and travel cross-country

The state's laws where you are permanently domiciled will apply when you live and travel in your RV. This means that if you plan to live in your RV while crossing multiple states, the laws of your home state will follow you wherever you go.

It would be best to research specific regulations about bringing and operating RVs within each state. For example, some states restrict the length of RVs driven on certain roads. It's important to familiarize yourself with the laws in each state you plan to travel through and invest in proper RV insurance coverage before you hit the road.

RV insurance is not legally required in every state, but it's highly recommended due to the unique risks RVs face. Many states have laws requiring minimum insurance coverage for motor vehicles, including RVs. You should contact your state’s insurance department to find out the exact regulations for RV insurance in your state.


What kind of insurance do you need for an RV?

RV insurance is liability coverage that helps protect you and your RV in case of an accident or property damage. It pays for repairs, medical bills, legal fees, and other expenses related to a covered incident. Depending on the type of policy you choose, it may also cover items inside your RV, such as appliances, furniture, clothing, electronics, tools, and supplies.

Is RV insurance required in my state?

Yes, RV insurance is generally required if you operate an RV on public roads in the United States. Each state has its laws that govern requirements for drivers and RVs, so it’s important to be aware of your state’s specific regulations. Some states may require additional coverage for full-time RVers, such as medical payments and uninsured motorist insurance.

Do you need separate insurance on an RV?

You’ll need to purchase separate insurance if you own an RV. Most states require liability coverage at a minimum and offer other types of coverage depending on the type of RV you have and the state in which it is registered. It’s important to check with your provider for details about any additional coverage required by law or recommended for your specific vehicle.


In conclusion, there are many important factors to consider regarding RV insurance and what states require it. No matter your situation, it's worthwhile to check into the specific laws of each state you plan to visit. The cost of RV insurance can vary greatly depending on which type of vehicle you own and what your plans are with it. Suppose you own an RV outright or will be leasing one. In that case, it is highly recommended to look into purchasing coverage, as this could save you lots of money if you ever find yourself in an unfortunate situation.

Once you have decided that RV insurance is necessary for your lifestyle, have a reliable, professional go over the details of what type of coverage best suits your needs. Finally, don’t forget to drive safely on the open road – with or without RV insurance.


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