ISA Allowance: An Overview


Susan Kelly

Feb 05, 2024

An individual savings account, often known as an ISA, is a location where you may save money and invest it without worrying about paying taxes on the interest, capital growth, or income that the money produces. Because of these potential tax advantages, a cap is placed on the total amount that may be contributed each year. This is what is referred to as the ISA allowance.

How Much Money Can I Put Into An ISA Each Year?

The amount that may be held in an ISA is £20,000. During the 2022–2023 tax year, which begins on April 6 and ends on April 5, you are permitted to deposit up to this amount into your individual savings accounts (ISAs).

Unused tax credits cannot be carried over to the following tax year; however, you obtain a fresh allowance at the beginning of new tax year, and you are permitted to divide the allowance among several cash and investment ISAs. However, for each tax year, you are only permitted to deposit funds into one lifetime ISA, one stock and shares ISA, one cash ISA, and one innovative finance ISA.

If you withdraw money from your flexible ISA and then put it back within the same tax year, it will not count against your ISA allowance for that year. However, if you withdraw money from your traditional ISA and then put it back after it has been used, it will count against your ISA allowance for that year.

How Much Money Can I Put Into A Junior ISA Each Year?

In the tax year 2022–203, a child is eligible for their own separate ISA allowance of £9,000. If an adult contributes to a Junior Individual Savings Account (JISA) on behalf of a kid, this contribution does not count against the adult's own ISA allowance of £20,000.

What Is The Maximum Contribution That I May Make To A Lifetime ISA?

A lifelong individual savings account, often known as a LISA, is a form of individual savings account (ISA) that enables you to save money towards the purchase of your first house as well as for retirement. You have the option of saving in cash, investing in shares, or doing both, and the government will give you a bonus of 25% on anything you put into the account.

You are permitted to deposit up to the annual maximum allowance of £4,000 into a lifetime ISA provided that you contribute to the account. This money goes against your overall ISA allowance of £20,000, so don't worry about that. If you contributed the maximum amount of £4,000 to a lifetime ISA, you would have £16,000 left to invest into other forms of individual savings accounts (ISAs).

Types of ISA Accounts

The following are the four types of ISA:

Cash ISAs

Cash Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) are tax-free savings accounts. You are exempt from paying any taxes on the interest that you earn. You may start an Individual Savings Account (ISA) with as little as one pound.

  • Instant Access: A place where you may deposit money and then get it whenever it's convenient for you to do so. The ability to exercise ISA flexibility ensures you will only use up your ISA allowances.
  • Limited access: You may only withdraw a certain amount of money from your account a predetermined number of times. If you remove more than the allotted amount, the interest rate on your account will decrease. In addition to that, they provide ISA flexibility.
  • Fixed-rate: You deposit your money for a certain amount of time, knowing that the interest rate will not fluctuate throughout that time.

Every year, you are only allowed to have one cash ISA considered "active." This implies that you are not permitted to create numerous cash ISAs during the same tax year to take advantage of the tax-free savings allowance provided by each of these cash ISAs. However, if you want to start a cash ISA with us, we will include it as a component of a portfolio cash ISA. Because of this, you can distribute the funds from your cash ISA among different items. Therefore, you can open several cash ISA products with us within a single tax year.

Stocks and Shares ISAs

An individual savings account (ISA) for stocks and shares might be compared to a wrapper that encloses a collection of investments. Due to the nature of this wrapper, you will not be required to make any tax payments on the dividends, growth, interest, or income you get from your assets.


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