Utilize a Debt Tracker to Manage Your Debt


Susan Kelly

Jan 31, 2024

One way to keep tabs on your financial obligations is via a debt tracker. It might be as simple as a notebook or as complex as an app, spreadsheet, or calculator. A debt tracker can be a valuable tool in the fight against debt.

Your outstanding bills will gradually decrease.

Register for an account, and you'll be able to manage your many credit cards, loans, and other financial obligations from a single location.

Choose a debt tracker that has the following features:

Names on accounts.

Those debtors listed below are your financial creditors. Capital One is one possible credit card company to which you may pay. In case of any debt concerns, you will know exactly who to contact if you list the account names.

Different kinds of bank accounts.

Student loans, credit card balances, and medical bills are just some examples of possible unsecured debt. Different categories may require a different approach. Forgiveness may be the best bet when it comes to student loans, while consolidation may be your best bet when it comes to credit card debt.


Make a mental note of how much money is still in each account. A current balance is displayed here for your reference.

Cost of borrowing money.

Simply put, interest is the cost of carrying debt. The interest you pay on your balance will increase proportion to its size. Knowing your interest rates is crucial to choose how to eliminate debt, especially if you plan to employ the debt avalanche strategy, which involves paying off the loan with the highest interest rate first.

Budgetary constraints necessitate at least minimum payments.

The minimum payment is the amount you must pay each month to keep your account current, and it is calculated as a percentage of your outstanding balance or according to the terms of your loan. If you can afford it, make monthly payments of more than the minimum required.

When money is owed.

It can hurt your credit score if you pay late or don't pay at all. (Do you need to check your credit score? NerdWallet offers free credit scores, so check it out!

Try to use what you've learned.

To better manage your debt and stay on track, it can be helpful to compile information on your various accounts, balances, and interest rates.

Sorting your bills by size will show you where to start if you're interested in trying out the debt snowball strategy, in which you pay off your smallest debts first. Making sure you make every payment is as simple as writing down when each is due.

Debt repayment is a lengthy procedure that can be stressful for the debtor. If you ever find yourself at a loss for debt management strategies, you can always come back to your tracker.

Why Keeping Tabs on Debt Is Crucial

Feeling overwhelmed by debt is common, especially with several loan providers. You may reclaim some sense of order and an idea of when you'll be debt-free with the help of a tracker.

Keeping track of what bills are due and when will help you prioritize your debt, develop an effective repayment plan, and avoid falling behind. You can see the results of your efforts with a tracker.

Extra Options for Debt Settlement

Whether or whether you plan to use a debt payoff app, here are some strategies you can employ:

Consolidating debt:

If you have strong credit, a personal loan or a balance transfer credit card could help you consolidate your debt and reduce your interest payments.

debt snowball or avalanche method

The debt snowball or avalanche method can help you eliminate debt more quickly and save you a significant amount of time throughout your repayment schedule.

Debt management plan

Suppose you can't consolidate your debt and need help making monthly payments. In that case, a debt management plan through a credit counselling firm can assist you in negotiating more manageable interest rates and instalment amounts.

Debt settlement

You can negotiate a lower settlement amount if you're already behind on payments. This can be done independently, or you can hire a debt settlement firm or a debt attorney to help you with a charge. It is more common to require a single, upfront payment. This method, like bankruptcy, should be a last resort because of the damage it can do to your credit.

Reduce your debts and raise your credit score.

Clearing out debt, especially credit card debt, is a way to raise that all-important credit score. Experian's free credit monitoring service may help you keep tabs on your credit profile's evolution and identify any problems you may encounter, no matter your approach.


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