Features of Broker of Record


Susan Kelly

Oct 28, 2023

This agent acts as the policyholder's agent of record. This person acts on the customer's behalf while interacting with the insurance provider and may be the recipient of all correspondence, notifications, and estimates intended for the client. In addition to that, they could propose changes to the policies that are already in place. Policyholders also have the option of including explicit guidelines about contact with the plan as well as any other agencies or brokers.

A broker of the record acts as somewhat of a go-between for the customer and the insurer. They might work for a person or a corporation to handle the client's policies and receive a commission or another income from the insurer. This could be the case whether the client is an individual or a company. Suppose a customer does not have a broker of record. In that case, they may have to spend a lot of time maintaining their insurance policies and keeping track of risks, developments, modifications, claims, and other related matters.

A broker of record is a kind of agent that is used in the insurance industry. The policyholder selects this agent to act as the policyholder's representative and handle the policy. A policyholder's broker of record can receive copies of all communications directed at the policyholder. In addition, the broker can receive all notices, policies, and quotes on the policyholder's behalf.

The Functioning Of a Broker of Record

A person or a corporation looking for assistance with, for instance, managing the health insurance plans of its workers might seek assistance from a broker of record. As a thank-you for their services, the health insurance provider may pay the broker of record a monthly commission.

Letter from the Broker of Record

A written document must state this before a broker of record may begin to represent a client's interests or manage insurance policies on their behalf. This is required before the broker of record can begin to handle insurance policies. A broker of record letter is a formal agreement or letter used to legally express an agreement and a connection between a broker, a policyholder, and an insurance company. This letter may also be referred to as a broker of record agreement. When this occurs, a broker of record letter will typically state that the policyholder is switching from working with the previous agent to working with the new agent. Both of these processes can be accomplished using a broker of record letter. For instance, if an individual decides to switch their broker of record, a letter will be issued to identify the new broker of record.

  • A record broker may also seek and assess insurance rates and policies and provide recommendations about modifications to preexisting policies.
  • Insurance companies require letters identifying the broker of record to determine who the policyholder has chosen to act on their behalf when communicating with the insurance carrier to negotiate price, plan alternatives, claim help, and other related matters. In exchange for their services, brokers of record often get commissions from the companies they work with.

Specific information, such as the name of the group plan and the designated broker, the effective date of the broker designation, and the parameters under which the broker of record designation may be canceled, should be included in a broker of record letter. A policyholder's broker of record can receive copies of all communications directed at the policyholder. Policyholders also have the option of including explicit guidelines about contact with the plan as well as any other agencies or brokers.

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Comparison between Broker of Record Letter and Letter of Authorization

A letter of permission does neither have the same breadth of coverage nor the same level of influence as a letter from the broker of record. It is possible to write a letter of this kind so that it is quite particular, for example, by mentioning the insurance company from whom the broker may collect information. However, the ability to negotiate on behalf of a policyholder is not often included in a letter of authorization that one has been granted.


In conclusion, the following are some of the things that may be accomplished using a broker of record letter:

  • This severs the connection that the policyholder has with the broker.
  • Suspends the existing broker's authority to act as the policyholder's representative while communicating with the insurance company.
  • The appointment of a new broker is made official, and that broker is given the exclusive ability to deal with an insurance company.
  • Provides access to information about underwriting or to proposals that are presently being considered.

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