Trezor vs. Ledger: A Detailed Comparison in 2022


Triston Martin

Nov 25, 2023

Bitcoin hardware wallets Trezor and Ledger are well-known brands in the bitcoin world. Both include built-in cryptocurrency exchanges, secure hardware wallets, and compatibility for more than 1,000 currencies. Trezor is a subsidiary of SatoshiLabs and was founded in Praha, the Czech Republic, in 2013. Paris, France, is home to Ledger, established in 2014. This guide is to compare Trezor vs. Ledger.

The $190 Trezor Model T has a bigger touchscreen, making it more user-friendly than the $180 Trezor Model S. However, unlike the Ledger Nano X, it does not have a Bluetooth connection or a mobile app. Graph Token (GRT), for example, and Uniswap (UNI) are two popular currencies Trezor does not support on the Ledger Nano devices. Security, currency support, simplicity of usage, and more were all considered while evaluating the businesses and gadgets.

What is Trezor?

SatoshiLabs invented the Trezor wallet in 2013. These crypto wallets are recognized to be very secure for storing private keys. Transacting in the crypto market is much simpler because of its user-friendly design. Trezor's high-end encryption and being an offline wallet ensure the safety of user money. Trezor was among the first businesses to develop hardware bitcoin wallets.

What is Ledger?

The Paris-based company Ledger, which also has offices in the United States, creates Ledger wallets. Since its introduction to the market in 2014, it has grown to become one of the most widely used hardware crypto-wallets in a short amount of time. Device-based Ledger wallets hold private keys on USB drives or other storage devices. Third-party programs and blockchains may be used to transmit or receive bitcoins from these storage wallets. Ledger wallets provide utmost cash protection by using a custom operating system. In case the private key device is lost, they employ a 24-word backup recovery phrase.

Trezor vs. Ledger: What Is the Difference?

The primary differences between the Trezor and the Ledger wallets are outlined below.

Features of a Wallet

Trezor and Ledger are good Bitcoin wallets and have many of the same features. The sleek Ledger devices seem to be regular, steel USB storage devices, even though they connect through a USB wire. Trezor devices, on the other hand, are smaller, lighter, and come in various shapes. All four devices are compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac computers. As a result of this, Trezor users are limited to connecting to Android devices, but Ledger customers can connect to iOS devices.

The Trezor variants have bigger screens, making it easier to view the screen. OLED screens are used in the Ledger One, whereas OLED screens are used in the Nano S, which is why there is a noticeable difference in screen resolution between the two devices. A 240x240 pixel liquid crystal display (LCD) color touchscreen is available on the Trezor Model T, the company's top-of-the-line product. On the other hand, Ledger Nano X has an OLED display of 128x64 pixels. Mobile users like Ledger Nano X's optional Bluetooth capabilities, which are unavailable on Trezor.


The screen is more important than the hardware design, which is only a matter of aesthetics. The Trezor Model T features a 240 by 240 color touchscreen, whereas the Ledger Nano X does have a 128 x 64 monochrome touch screen. Users may also care about the content. Unlike the Trezor Model T, constructed of plastic, the Ledger gadget is made of steel. Ledger's smaller size makes it simpler to carry or conceal than Trezor's.


A single-chip base is used in all Trezor devices, and the firmware is closed-source and cannot be accessed by other parties for testing. Shamir Backup enhances the security of your private keys. Hardware wallets built by Ledger have a two-chip design. Microcontroller STM32F042K for general purpose and bank-grade security element STM32F042K for the second (SE).


There must be an excellent user experience for any cryptocurrency-related product. It's safe to say Trezor doesn't disappoint in this regard. The Trezor T features a touchscreen LCD with 240240 pixels, whereas the Trezor One has a 12864-pixel display. Ledger isn't far behind in this regard. The display resolution on the Ledger Nano X is 12864, whereas the resolution on the Ledger Nano S is 12832.


Ultimately, the customer will have to decide which of the two crypto hardware wallets best suits their needs. The Trezor Model T is open source, but the Ledger has a proprietary operating system with a Secure Element chip. It has sparked arguments for decades, and both designs have advantages and disadvantages.

Trezor Model T has a larger color screen but is also more cumbersome to carry. Additionally, a password manager is included, which isn't directly linked to cryptocurrencies but is a convenient extra for improved security. In addition, many customers like the Ledger Nano X's Bluetooth capabilities.


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