How to Get Double Taxation Relief?

Triston Martin

Feb 25, 2024

Are you finding it challenging to figure out how to get double taxation relief? As someone who operates a business in or around the United States, you have probably heard of double taxation, but how do you ensure it can be applied to your operations and day-to-day finances?

You can avoid unnecessary financial penalties due to double taxation by understanding the various provisions available for getting this important tax relief and some strategic planning before the filing deadline. Keep reading this blog post for more information on understanding and applying what is needed to ensure your company reaps all the appropriate benefits of double taxation relief.

What Is Double Taxation

Double taxation is the taxation of an individual or entity by two jurisdictions for the same financial activity. In essence, it occurs when a taxpayer pays taxes to their home country and another jurisdiction that has imposed the tax on the same source of income. This can happen in various ways, including within countries with multiple taxing authorities (such as states) or through international agreements between countries.

The most common forms of double taxation involve personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, gift taxes, estate taxes, and value-added taxes (VAT). However, other types of taxes, such as inheritance tax, may also be subject to double taxation if two separate jurisdictions charge them. Double taxation usually results in a higher effective rate of taxation than if only one jurisdiction were involved.

How Double Taxation Works

Double taxation occurs when two separate entities tax the same income. This can happen at the federal and state levels and between different countries.

At the federal level, double taxation typically comes into play when individuals pay taxes on their personal income and corporate taxes paid by their employer. Similarly, corporations may have to pay taxes on dividends from other companies subject to taxation in both jurisdictions.

At the state level, double taxation often arises due to regional differences in tax rates or rules. For example, a company in one state could be liable for additional taxes if it conducts business activities in another state with higher tax rates or different regulations concerning how those activities should be taxed.

International double taxation is most commonly seen when individuals have income or assets subject to taxation in two different countries. This issue can also arise from corporate taxes, as a company may be liable for taxes on its home country and the country it operates in. In these cases, there are usually provisions for relief from double taxation, such as allowing taxpayers to claim a credit on their home-country returns for the taxes they already paid abroad.

Finally, some instances of double taxation occur due to tax avoidance strategies by large corporations. The companies use complex legal structures to move profits between jurisdictions to reduce their overall tax burden without changing the location of their operations or activities that generate those profits.

Debate Over Double Taxation

The debate over the merits of double taxation has been ongoing for many years. On one side of the argument, proponents of double taxation say it allows governments to collect taxes from multiple sources and ensure everyone pays their fair share. They also argue that double taxation encourages citizens to save money as they’ll be taxed twice on any income they receive from investment or savings accounts.

On the other side, opponents cite evidence that double taxation can lead to a decrease in economic activity and inadvertently punish individuals already subject to high levels of taxation. They argue that this form of taxation creates a disincentive for people to save or invest their money, as additional tax burdens will eat away any gains. Additionally, there is evidence that double taxation can lead to a decrease in investment, as companies may be less likely to invest in projects if they are subject to multiple levels of taxation.

Benefits of Double Taxation

  • Double taxation encourages citizens to save money, as they will be taxed twice on income from investment or savings accounts.
  • It allows governments to collect taxes from multiple sources and ensure everyone pays their fair share.
  • Double taxation can provide a steady revenue stream for governments, helping them fund vital services such as roads, infrastructure, healthcare, and education.
  • It helps prevent the erosion of the corporate tax base by reducing the profits companies can keep due to loopholes.
  • Double taxation encourages people who own businesses to invest in their business rather than use up personal funds thanks to increased certainty about their taxable income and potential deductions/credits available for business investments.
  • It incentivizes the creation of new businesses and economic growth, as entrepreneurs will be less likely to lose money due to taxation when starting a business.
  • Double taxation helps prevent companies from shifting profits between jurisdictions to avoid certain taxes or take advantage of more favorable tax regimes in foreign countries.
  • It encourages greater accountability among taxpayers, who will know their taxes are being used for public goods and services rather than simply lining the pockets of individuals or corporations.
  • Double taxation can help reduce income discrimination between different levels of earners by taxing similar incomes at similar rates regardless of one’s source of income (e.g., wages vs capital gains).
  • Double tax treaties between countries can reduce the total amount of taxes paid by multinational corporations, benefiting both the companies and governments in terms of overall economic efficiency.

International Double Taxation

Double taxation can also occur between different countries. Double taxation is usually the result of a tax treaty signed by two countries, stating that income from one country is subject to taxation in both jurisdictions. In this case, relief from double taxation may be available through credits or exemptions, depending on the specific agreement between countries.

For example, the United States and the United Kingdom have a bilateral income tax treaty that helps minimize double taxation for individuals living or operating businesses in either country.

Under this agreement, citizens of each country are exempt from paying taxes in the other nation on certain types of income (such as most employment income and pensions). Additionally, there are provisions for taxpayers who need relief from double taxation if their income comes from both countries.


Q: What are some examples of double taxation relief?

A: Some common types of double taxation relief include foreign tax credits, exemptions, deductions, deferral of taxes on certain types of income earned abroad, and tax treaties between countries that prevent double taxation. Depending on the specific situation, taxpayers may also be able to claim income tax deductions for the taxes paid in a foreign jurisdiction.

Q: Are there any other ways of avoiding double taxation?

A: Yes, there are several steps business owners can take to avoid double taxation. These include structuring your company’s operations and finances so that no income is subject to both U.S. and foreign taxes, taking advantage of certain exemptions and credits available under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and applicable state or local laws, and engaging in regular tax planning ahead of time so you can anticipate any potential issues related to double taxation before they arise.

Q: What should I do if I am already facing double taxation?

A: If you are already subject to double taxation, you should speak with a tax professional who is familiar with international taxation and double taxation issues. Your advisor can help you understand the various provisions available for obtaining relief from double taxation and walk you through any applicable state or local laws that may affect your situation. In addition, they can help you review your company’s operations and financial structure to ensure it is optimized for avoiding potential double taxes in the future.


Double taxation can be tricky for businesses operating in or around the United States. However, you can avoid incurring unnecessary financial penalties by understanding the various provisions available for getting double taxation relief and engaging in strategic planning before the filing deadline. With careful consideration of your company’s operations and financial structure, it is possible to minimize double taxation and ensure that your business complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

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